Today's Live Silver Price in UAE
Silver Report | Silver Price (in AED) |
Change(%) |
Today | 40 | 0.00% |
Yesterday | 40 | 0.00% |
1 Week ago | 39 | 0.00% |
2 Weeks ago | 37 | 0.00% |
3 Weeks ago | 39 | 0.00% |
4 Weeks ago | 38 | 0.00% |
1 Month ago | 38 | 0.00% |
36 | 0.00% |
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Silver Price Calculator - UAE
Silver Price History in UAE
Check the historical silver rate graph per 10 grams in UAE which will help in understanding the silver rate trend before making the purchase
Tips for buying Silver in the UAE
- Check for purity
- Check the current rate before you buy
- Visit different shops and compare prices
- Bargain and purchase for best price
- Negotiate and get benefit on the making charges
Advantages of using Silver
- It is a natural immune-boosting metal
- You can avoid illness by using silver
- It destroys bacteria in the body
- Silver heals wounds and improves skin conditions
- Best for skincare
- Prevents infection and sinus and allergy
- Silver metal purifies water
- Provides protection against diseases
Best places to buy silver in Dubai & UAE
The following are the places where you can buy silver.
- Gold Souq
- Gold and Diamond Park
- Damas
- Liali Jewellery
- Cara
- Agatha
- Damiani
- Khushi Jewellers
- Tiffany & Co
Silver rate in Dubai & UAE
Gold price or silver price keeps changing every day. The prices are not constant anywhere in the world. The silver rate in Dubai, UAE is today-silver-rate AED.
Similar to gold, even silver is sold in different carats. In the UAE, gram is a standard measurement for precious metal. Silver is measured in grams such as one gram, 5 grams, 10 grams, 20 grams, 50 grams and 100 grams. The most commonly used bullion bar is 10 grams silver. Silver is used in day to day life in bangles, utensils, ornaments. It is preserved in the form of coins.
Silver is the most precious metal after gold. It is used in making jewellery, tableware, mirrors, dental alloys, brazing alloys, electrical appliances, batteries, and others. The silver prices are quotes in the local currency in the UAE, you will also find prices quoted in Dollars, Euros and other important currencies and the quantity is quoted in ounces, grams and kgs. Coins, bars measuring in ounces are preferred by individual investors whereas the larger weights are preferred by the institutional buyers. . Silver is held to hedge against economic crises and maintains its value better than conventional currencies. The metal prices are not constant; they keep changing every day across the world.
What influences the price of silver?
The prices of silver fluctuate based on various factors such as
- Value of Currency markets
- Demand for the Jewelry
- Geopolitics
- Equity markets
- Levels of the Production
Silver gets its demand from the manufacturing industry and from jewellery making. It is used in different industries like solar power, nuclear energy, chemical industry, electrical industry and others. The more the silver is used the more demand is created for the metal. Silver is an antimicrobial, non-toxic metal that is used in medicines and consumable products. The reflective quality of silver and attractiveness makes it excellent for making jewellery, dolls, mirrors and silver items. Silver is a less expensive metal than gold, this white color metal is softer than gold and it has no hardness compared to other metals.
Price behaviour of Silver
Since the last few years, the silver rate has been considerably flat. Gold is more attractive and prices are higher compared to silver. As the international price of gold increases, experts say that the price of silver will increase in the future as this may become the second-best choice of the customers. Everyone cannot afford to buy gold as it is very expensive, the silver metal becomes the next best choice.
Silver is a famous metal for use in jewellery. It is used on earrings, bracelets, necklaces, pendants and rings. Compared to gold, silver is not the first choice of women because silver is prone to oxidation, which causes silver to change its colour to black. However, silver can be turned into a new ornament by cleaning the ornament. You can have it cleaned at local jewellery stores if they provide such services.
Best time to buy silver in Dubai, UAE
Silver rate in Dubai is volatile. The largest collection of silver and the best price are provided by the vendors during the Dubai Shopping festival or Dubai Summer surprises. During these shopping festivals, tourists from different countries visit Dubai. Sellers offer special discounts and best deals to the customers. A variety of selection from ornaments, jewellery, hand craftings, showpieces, decorative instruments, decorative handicrafts and many other items.