List of all Surveys

10 Nov 2021
Debit Cards Usage in the UAE
Prepaid cards are considered a better alternative for debit cards. This survey is to understand the usage of debit cards in and outside the UAE. The frequency of the usage of debit cards and how many people in the UAE are not eligible for a bank account.

16 Aug 2021
Emergency Preparedness
Being financially prepared for emergencies is essential. But not everyone is aware of Emergency Funds nor how to save for them. This survey is about the Emergency funds, awareness, savings and usage of the Emergency Funds.

24 May 2021
Digital Banking in the UAE
Digital banking in the UAE is a survey conducted in the month of March 2021. It gives insights into how the Digital Banking trends are being adopted by the residents of the UAE. The usage of online bank accounts, security, challenges faced by the users, fraudulent transactions, etc. are the questions covered in this study. The main purpose of the Digital banking survey is to understand the online banking interests and feedback of the participants.

20 Jan 2021
Personal Finance Management Post Covid
Covid-19 had an irrevocable impact on everyone’s life especially affecting the finances. The survey was conducted to study the personal finance management of the UAE residents post-Covid pandemic. It covers all the aspects like income gaps during covid, new loans taken, management of emergency funds and savings, investments, health insurance, etc. Overall, it shows how Covid-19 has impacted their financial life and how the participants want to keep an eye on the finances going further.

22 May 2020
Covid - 19 Financial Impact
Definitely, Covid-19 had an impact on everyone’s life. This survey was conducted right after a few weeks when the pandemic hit and the lockdown started. It gives the details on how many people were affected financially due to the pandemic and how did they manage their expenses with savings. The survey was also to find out if the participants would be wanting a loan to manage expenses and how did they manage their existing debts.

09 Apr 2020
Budgeting of Household Income
Budget is an important task to get the money in control. The study is all about the income in the family, the monthly expenses like groceries, health insurance, life insurance, EMIs, Utilities, Savings, Child Education, Transportation. This gives a good insight into how a person manages their incoming and outgoing money flow in the UAE.

11 Oct 2019
Financial Status of Expats in the UAE
UAE has a large expat population. Finance management will be different for an expat than it is for a National. This survey gives details on how an expat in the UAE is managing income, accommodation, savings, emergency funds in the case of job loss, investments and overall spending patterns.