AED to EURO Currency Converter

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AED - UAE Dirham
Currency in UAE is monitored by the Central Bank of UAE. The official currency of UAE is Dirham which is an Arabic word. The first dirham usage was started on 19 May 1973. Till then Dubai Riyal and Qatar Riyal were the currencies used in UAE. The currently available denominations in UAE are 1, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500 and 1,000. Dh 1 is available in coins while the other denominations are provided in paper currency.
EUR - Euro
The official currency of the European Union is the Euro. This is one of the most circulated currencies in the world. It is regulated by the European Central Bank. Currently circulated denominations are €500, €200, €100, €50, €20, €10, €5, €2, €1, 50c, 20c, 10c, 5c, 2c, and 1c. Among these, the denomination from €5 - €500 are available in paper currency while the rest are available in coins.
AED to Euro historical rates
Currently, 1 AED = 0.24 Euro. In the last 5 years, there were quite a few fluctuations in Euro to AED. Every year there is quite a few million sent from UAE to other countries, where European countries are one among of those.
UAE Dirham to Euro Historical exchange rates graph
Check the historical rates of DHS to Euro for up to past 1 year. This chart helps in understanding the currency fluctuations in UAE Dirham(AED) to Europe Euro(EUR).
UAE Dirham AED to Europe Euro EUR currency exchange tips
Before exchanging your currency from AED to Euro there are certain factors to check
- Before visiting the currency exchange centers check the exchange rate by yourself from any genuine sources
- Some of the banks in UAE offer currency exchange for fewer rates. Try considering those
- While considering ATM withdrawal outside UAE, check the charges levied on forex transactions
How to send money from UAE to Europe?
- Bank to Bank transaction: There are several exchange centers providing this facility. The sender can directly debit from his bank account and send it to the beneficiary bank account. There are some service charges levied by the exchange centers.
- Bank to Cash: Sender can send from his bank account and the recipient can get it in cash. There are service charges added.
- Internet banking: As banks in UAE provides online banking services, the sender can directly send from his bank account by himself by adding the beneficiary details i.e. beneficiary account number, SWIFT code.
Tips to save money while transferring money from UAE to Europe
- Some of the exchange centers charge additional fees from the recipient if it is a cash transaction
- Try not transferring using your Debit/Credit card as the service charges for such transactions are too high
- Try considering bank transfers or Demand drafts if there is a huge amount of transfer
1,10,20,30,50,60,100,200,300,500,600,1000,1500,2000,2500,3000,4000,5000,6000,10000Currency Transfer Rates
Provider | Conversion Rate | Transfer Fee | You Send | Recipient gets |
Currency Fair | 1 AED = 0.2517 € | 3.00 € | AED | 248.66 € |
Bank Transfer Rate* | 1 AED = 0.2457 € | 24.57 € | AED | 221.13 € |