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INR to USD Currency Converter

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INR - Indian Rupee

The official currency in India is the Indian Rupee(INR) monitored by the Reserve Bank of India(RBI). The word rupee is derived from Sanskrit. In India, silver coins were used as currency during 1540. After quite a lot of alterations currently, there are 10, 50, 100, 200, and 2000 of paper currency and 1, 2, 5 coins are in use.

USD - US Dollar

The official currency n the United States of America is the US Dollar(USD) which is regulated by the Federal Reserve System. This was found in 1792. USD is one of the strongest currencies in the world. The available denominations in the USD are paper currency of $1, $2, $5, $10, $20, $50, and $100 and coins 1 Cent(1¢), 5 Cents(5¢), Dime(10¢) and Quater Dollar(25¢).

INR to USD historical rates

There are a lot of fluctuations in Indian Rupee to US Dollar from the last five years. The dollar rate keeps changing every other minute. In the last 5 years, the lowest rate recorded was in October 2018 where 1 INR was equal to 0.013 USD and the highest was in May 2014 where 1 INR was $0.017.

Indian Rupee to US Dollar Historical exchange rates graph

Check the historical rates of INR to USD for up to past 1 year. This chart helps in understanding the fluctuations in the currency exchange rate of Indian Rupee (INR) to the US Dollar(USD).

Tips to follow while exchanging Indian Rupee (INR) to US Dollar(USD)

There are some tips that can be useful while exchanging INR to USD

  • As the Indian currency rate is lesser than the USD, it is preferable to exchange your currency in advance at least 7 days before your travel as, if the USD to INR rates rise you would get less exchange rate on INR to USD.
  • It is better to avoid exchanging your currency in the airport as the exchange fees are high.
  • It is better to avoid traveler's cheques and make use of a forex travel card.
  • Don’t use your Indian debit/credit cards during the trip as the service charges are very high.
  • The total amount you can carry in the USA as an Indian resident is 10,000 USD (3000 cash and 7000 traveler card/cheque).

How to send money from India to the USA

  • Via Bank: You can get the beneficiary bank account and SWIFT code details and transfer it from your bank account directly.
  • Via exchange centers: There are several exchange centers which will collect cash from you and credit it to the beneficiary bank account.
  • Through debit/credit cards: Exchange centers also transfer your money from your debit/credit cards to the beneficiary bank account.

Tips to save money while sending funds from India to the USA

While there are several options to transfer funds from India to the USA, there are a few ways where you can save money in this process

  • Banks might charge fewer fees compared to the exchange centers. Compare and transfer.
  • There will be several fees and charges levied, make sure you understand those.
  • Make sure your exchange center is authorized by the RBI.
  • Check for the exchange rates before you transfer.
  • It is not recommended to use your credit card while transferring funds as the charges on the credit cards are slightly high compared to other ways.



Currency Transfer Rates

Provider Conversion Rate Transfer Fee You Send Recipient gets
Currency Fair 1 ₹ = 0.0115 $ 4.00 $ 7.48 $
Bank Transfer Rate* 1 ₹ = 0.0112 $ 11.20 $ $
*Rate and charges mentioned here are approximate values. Charges and Rate will vary from bank to bank.