HomeLifestyleWays to find Noor bank offers

Ways to find Noor bank offers

Noor bank customers can avail exclusive benefits provided for them even more easily with the help of free app provided. Noor bank has launched “Infinity Treats” app for their customers to avail exclusive lifestyle benefits.

The app contains various deals, Buy1-Get1 free, Noor bank credit card offers, discounts provided at 1000+ merchants in the UAE. Noor debit card and credit card users can download the app from Play store or App store and find out offers they can avail on using their cards. The app is provided for free. This makes it easy for the Noor bank debit/credit cardholders to find outlets which can help them in saving considerably.

Noor Bank Infinity Treats app contains the list of outlets that are offering discounts along with specific details like offer type, the validity of the deal, terms and conditions, etc. There are different categories available on the app like Dining, Leisure, Retail, and Wellness. Noor bank cardholders can pick these and start filtering according to their requirements. 

Working of the app:

The working of the Noor Bank Infinity Treats app is very simple which lists Noor bank offers 

  • Find out the outlet that offers you a discount 
  • Pick the offer 
  • Ask the merchant to enter the pin 
  • Avail discounts 

The deals on this app keep getting updated on a daily basis which is one of the best features of this app. In addition to this, there is no limit to avail the discounts on the app. 

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MyMoneySouq helps the visitors to find the right financial product by comparing different products provided by various banks in UAE. It compares different loans, insurance, accounts, credit cards. It works with a goal to give the users a clear idea of what to expect out of their funds and what they can get from those.

MyMoneySouq Team
MyMoneySouq Teamhttp://mymoneysouq.com
MyMoneySouq helps the visitors to find the right financial product by comparing different products provided by various banks in UAE. It compares different loans, insurance, accounts, credit cards. It works with a goal to give the users a clear idea of what to expect out of their funds and what they can get from those.


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