HomeGeneralTop 10 Personal Finance Instagrammers to Follow

Top 10 Personal Finance Instagrammers to Follow

Instagram is nowadays being used as a tool for influencer marketing, thus when thought about it in depth, it is a tool that makes us think about spending money rather than saving money.

Some Instagrammers can help you with tips and tricks to manage and balance finances in a way that you never waste a penny.

There are many famous Financial Instagrammers around the world, some of them are mentioned below:

1. Clever Girl Finance (@clevergirlfinance)

It is a well-designed Instagram account for women, it encourages women to take charge of their financial decisions wisely. The Instagram account has more than 177K followers.

Clever Girl Finance was started by Bola Sokunbi, who is a certified Financial Education Instructor. Bola Sukunbi was inspired to save a lot of money as she wanted to retire early. She started CleverGirlFinance in 2015, at this time she had a job and was slowly executing her plan for CleverGirlFinance. Since then Bola Sokunbi has written two books on financial freedom and literacy.

Most of the visitors to the page are women aged between 20-28 years of age. The main purpose of the page is to highlight the financial issues faced by women and provide adequate solutions for them.

2. The Financial Diet (@thefinancialdiet)

The Financial Diet was started by Chelsea Fagan in 2014, it is a personal finance blog and a youtube channel along with an Instagram account, etc. It also provides a platform for people to share the various financial issues being faced by them.

The site and Instagram account provides solutions for the problems and also helps people especially young girls to share their problems and find an adequate solution.

The financial diet is famous for expert advice along with day to day tips not only on saving money but using and investing it carefully. The page has nearly 174K followers on Instagram which are continuously growing. The fanbase comprises mostly of young adults especially young women, but it has significantly expanded in other directions.

3. Broke Millennial Blog (@brokemillennialblog)

Brokemillennialblog was started by Erin Lowry when she was only 22 years old, in January 2013. The blog was started for the millennials and to introduce this generation to financial literacy.

Erin Lowry since then has written two books on finances “Broke Millennial” and “Broke Millennial Takes on Investing”. Since then she has indulged in public speaking, social media to interact with the fanbase. The brokemillennial Instagram account has nearly 15.3K followers and is actively keeping its users engaged with avid reading content.

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4. The Finance Bar (@thefinancebar)

The financial bar was started by Marsha Barnes who is a financial social worker. She along with being the founder is also the ambassador of FICO (An analytics company with a focus on Artificial Intelligence and Human Intelligence)

The finance bar currently has no website, and it still manages to be different from the other sites as tips for various financial cleanses are provided along with weekly tips to start setting financial goals on Instagram can be seen. The advice offered is quite practical and hence helps the people in multiple ways.

5. Debts to Riches (@debtstoriches)

Debts to Riches is founded by Veronika. They have an all-around presence via a website, Instagram and Twitter. On Instagram, she has lovely posts that are both entertaining, knowledgeable and funny.

Through her posts, she tries to cover almost all the important lessons. The most amazing part of the posted content is, Veronika herself has found her way out of large debt thus understands it better and keeps a positive attitude towards overcoming it.

6. One Big Happy Life(@onebighappylife)

One Big Happy Family is a joint venture of Joseph and Tasha. They have a fanbase of nearly 15.8K followers. They also have their own website which highlights various topics like wealth building and management, travel, Fitness, etc. The website also offers a diverse range of templates for budgeting, shopping and much more.

The best feature of this Instagram account is that it demonstrates what is being preached. The account is also not merged as a personal and professional account which make it more knowledgeable and better than many in the field.

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7. Wise Woman Wallet (@wisewomanwallet)

Wise Woman Wallet is an initiative by an English Teacher in China who justs wants to justify her name, Miss Wise. The Blog, Instagram account all point to a debt-free life and how to avoid financial mistakes.

The most amazing part of this Instagram account is that it is a financial life journal of Miss Wise. She keeps her fanbase of 51k followers, entertained and loves hearing back from them. In her quest to bring financial literacy she highlights the actual number of her finances and spending making her a role model for all people who want to get over their student loans.

8. Farnoosh Torabi (@farnooshtorabi)

Farnoosh Torabi describes herself as a “Mommy Financial Strategist”. She is the author of the book called “When She Makes More.”

Farnoosh tries to promote financial literacy, especially among young women. She also started her own podcast “ So money” which she dearly enjoys.

Her posts are inspirational and any woman to go through her Instagram can be assured to feel an instant connection a whole lot motivated by her.

9. The Penny Hoarder (@thepennyhoarder)

It was started in 2010, The Instagram account and blog post both have a common goal of helping readers saving more money. Instagram account has nearly 152K followers and 1500 Posts.

The Penny Hoarder Instagram account is famous for providing weekly tips and tricks on a large pool of issues faced in day to day life.

The account also tries to bring financial literacy by encouraging users to come across various terms to understand the meaning in depth. The main aim is to reduce the stress associated with financial problems.

10. His and Her Money (@hisandhermoney)

His and her money was established by Talaat and Tai McNeely with the aim to help couples manage their finances. The Instagram account focusses on young couples who have just moved in or married and how they can manage their finances.

They are also involved with various financial courses, podcasts, videos, etc. Talaat and Tai McNeely are seen as one of the most influential financial couples.


A large amount of our time is consumed by social media alone. Thus, we can make use of it by following some influential people and make our time on these platforms worthwhile. Financial advisors on Instagram are a good idea as one can pick up at least a few tips and tricks and implement it in their own lives.

About the author

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Anandita Sood traveled across various cities to complete her education along with the non-stop urge to follow her passion of exploring and visiting new cities. Apart from writing, you will find her engaged in photography, reading and culinary arts.

Anandita Sood
Anandita Sood
Anandita Sood traveled across various cities to complete her education along with the non-stop urge to follow her passion of exploring and visiting new cities. Apart from writing, you will find her engaged in photography, reading and culinary arts.


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