If your car is important then you need to take all the required measures in order to protect it. Even though car insurance doesn’t protect your car from unforeseen circumstances but it will help in not burning a hole in your pockets during unplanned situations. It not only covers the damages occurred to the car but also pays your hospital bills if it was a car accident
Everyone who’s planning to get a car would have already known why auto insurance is mandatory. But there are certain things you need to check before getting a Car Insurance in UAE.
✓ Basic details of the policy
Most of them don’t check the details in prior and gets startled at the time of need. Before opting a car insurance cover it is highly recommended to check what does the standard policy cover. Not all the policies cover everything. You need to check what parts of the vehicle do the policy cover and what is the maximum coverage provided?
✓ Third Party Car Insurance
Along with the comprehensive car insurance policy, it is compulsory to get a third party car insurance, in UAE. Third Party Car Insurance helps when any damage is created by you to other vehicles. The first time buyers will not be aware of how important it is to get a third party insurance unless the insurance agent explains it. So, get the details of third party cover properly and opt the best one.

✓ Get a cover which fulfills all your requirements
People don’t check what is included in the policy, they just sign the papers and later regret when their policy doesn’t cover anything. It is important to spend some time to know what your policy covers. There are few car insurance companies in UAE which customize the products according to the needs of the customers. If your insurance provider can customize the policy as per your requirements then be smart in choosing the best.
✓ Don’t neglect on additional benefits
The standard car insurance policy covers the basic things like fire or theft coverage, covers only certain parts of the vehicle, provides facilities only at some locations, etc. So, go through the additional benefits provided on the cover, you may find something important which is not included in the standard policy.
✓ What are the charges involved?
Most of the car insurance holders in UAE are not aware of the charges involved in the policy. They just pay the premiums without even any idea on the coverage they get. If your insurance provider is providing the car insurance at a cheap price then you have to double check as anything that comes for a low price will not be the best. But don’t go for a costly car insurance that can take a toll on your monthly expenses.
✓ Compare, then decide
Finally, don’t stick to the car insurance policy/provider whom you visit first. Check with at least 4-5 auto insurance providers in UAE and select the one which suits your entire requirements perfectly. When you compare cars before buying then why not car insurance, that protects your vehicle? So, compare each and every feature on the policy, charges, total coverage, etc., and get the best car insurance in UAE.
If you are getting a car loan, then most of the banks provide basic car insurance as complimentary. You may check what it covers and can opt for the additional benefits on the requirement. But don’t forget if you are getting basic car insurance that covers the minimal features then be prepared to bear the expenses when something unexpected happens to your car.
About the author
Nikitha is a Senior Analyst at MyMoneySouq.com. She has been writing about personal finance, credit cards, mortgage, and other personal finance products in the UAE. Her work on Mortgage loans has been featured by the GulfNews and other popular Financial Blogs in the UAE.