eNetwasal service was launched in the year 2008. Employees can apply for initial work permit approval through eNetwasal service which is present in the ministry of labor (which is now Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation) online portal. The electronic employment permit or contract can be printed by signing up for eNetwasal services or by visiting Tasheel service centers. After the arrival of the work permit, he/she will apply online again for an e-contract and e-card which will be issued electronically and the applicants can take a print out of it.
Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation(MoHRE) provides services for both employers and employees through eNetwasal services.
Employer Services:
Employers obtain multiple online services from the ministry of labor through eNetwasal.
The employer of a company has to sign up for eNetwasal to get the services. List of services provided by eNetwasal for Employers:
- Person Information
- Company Information
- Person Information
- Company employee list
- Work permit status
- Labor card status
- Salary certificate
- Other services

Employer Sign-up process:
The registration process for employers in order to utilize the services:
Step 1: An employer can visit MoHRE (Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation) website.
Step 2: Click on ‘New owner sign up’ on the right
Step 3: If the employer has an e-signature card choose yes else choose no.
Step 4: If you choose yes, you will get a registration form which requires the following details of the employer:
- Signature card serial number
- Person code
- Year of birth
- Passport number
- Nationality
Step 5: After entering the above details the page will be redirected to a page where you will be asked a question on your partner.
Step 6: After entering the partner’s details you will be directed to a page which requires your account details:
- User Id
- Email address
- Contact number
- P.O.Box
- Nationality
- Preferred language of communication
Step 7: After submitting all the details an email will be sent to provided email id for activating your account and setting your password
Step 8: In case if you forget the password, you will have the same option on the page. Click on ‘forgot password’. It will ask for the email id that you have provided while registering. Once you provide the email id, a link will be sent to reset your password.
Employee Services:
Employees can also use eNetwasal services for checking:
Labor card information/status
- If you have a labor card you can enter the labor card details like labor card number, person code, date of birth and nationality.
- If you do not have a labor card you will have to enter details like passport number, date of birth, nationality and mobile number.
Contract information
- In order to check the contact information you will have to enter the details like labor card number, person code, date of birth and nationality.
Salary complaints
- An employee can lodge unpaid or delayed salary complaints through eNetwasal. As soon as you lodge a complaint you will receive a complaint reference number.
Salary complaint status
- The status of the lodged salary complaint can be checked here. The employee has to enter a ‘complaint reference number’ in order to know the complaint status.
Points to be noted about eNetwasal Services
- eNetwasal service is free of charges and beneficial of both employer and employee parties.
- Set of questions have to be answered by the employees in order to view their labor contracts and cards.
- Employers can obtain a list of their respective employees, information of their companies and status of their labor cards/contracts.
- In addition to labor contract/card information, they can also retrieve reports revealing the status of eVisas, inspection dates registration and other services which are free of charge.
- Complaints pertaining to salaries are confidential by Ministry of wages protection. The concerned company is contacted with respect to the raised complaint without disclosing the identity of the employee who complained.
Also refer: What is Article 120 of the UAE Labor Law?
Ministry of Labor(MOL) is now the Ministry Of Human Resources & Emiratisation(MoHRE). Employers can register for free of charge and check the status of the labor card and labor contract of the employees/workers. Earlier the labor contract was in the paper form and the labor card which is a plastic card both have been replaced by e-contracts and e-labor cards respectively by making the process simpler.
About the author
Anala is a young and spunky guru on financial matters, who tells you like it is; everything from managing debt to managing savings accounts. While books and movies keep her brain ticking, Anala pursues swimming and dancing to keep fit. A lifelong explorer and learner, Anala believes in giving back, and volunteers with the Bright Spark Education program at the NGO Youngistaan Foundation, where she opens up children's minds to the innumerable possibilities of a happy and successful life!